Magruder Crossing
P.O. Box 1231
Dacula, GA 30019
2022-2023 Board of Directors
President - John Nagy - magrudercrossingpresident@gmail.com
V. President - Vacant
Secretary - Melissa Keating - magrudercrossingpresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Brenda Davis - magrudercrossingpresident@gmail.com
Web Admin - Keith Yancey - magrudercrossingpresident@gmail.com
Member at Large - Keith Yancey
Member at Large - Patrick Force
Member at Large - Travis Hall
Member at Large - Stephanie Lane
Thank you for taking the time to bring your clients to Magruder Crossing. We look forward to working with you and helping our new neighbor transition into our community in a swift and timely manner.
Please allow up to 48 hours for our board to respond to your correspondences (excluding weekends).
Please forward our covenants (here, here) to our new neighbor. Question regarding the HOA, ARC, or covenants can be answered by any of our current board members.
- Closing letters
- HOA lien removal
- General Questions
- Fine / Violation Payment
- Lien Payments
- Initiation payments